Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Charles in a BOX - Call Center Blues

June 14, 2012
Thursday ( dawn )
A Headset Love Story
May 14, 2012

           I never thought that I'll be missing you now that you're gone. I never thought that I'll be losing you at all. 
Now I miss everything about you. I should have valued every minute that I still have you on my head, supporting, caring and loving me. 
I should have valued all of your love those times that I still have them, and now I feel deaf and mute without you. 

           Those times when you were kissing my ears and whispering words that time cannot erase. The sweet sound of your voice that has almost set me free, I was prepared to face my fears just to be with you but your grip has loosen up and the sweet sound was no longer clear and pure. I tried to keep you in place and hold you as tight as I could. I tried my best to make you stay, but it's painful to force you locked on my head the piercing sound hurt my ears and it broke my heart. 
Forcing you to be in place left red marks on my ears. I don't know what to say to make you change your mind and I don't even know what I've said that has made you changed it, my voice were gone when you left and I know that there is nothing else that I can say to make you stay. I miss your voice so much and I want to have you by my side. My walls were burnt down by your passion, you have caried me away with the warmth of your embrace, caught of guard and got too attached. 

           The marks on my ears are almost gone but my heart still have some, I guess they will be having their stay. Someone's gonna have you now so I need to shake you off of my head.

            Keep on unwrapping the boxes guys, who knows what you will find next. Stay safe !

Charles in a BOX ----- Charles in a BOX ----- Charles in a Box -----
Charles in a BOX ----- Charles in a BOX ----- Charles in a Box -----

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