Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Call Center Journey

June 26, 2012

Note : Everything that you will be seeing here Guys are all relating to my experiences as a Call center agent. I don't know if you'll  find it very interesting but I'm sure this will not be informative.
I'll be updating this post every once in a while since I'll be adding entries about new things that I'll be dealing with while I am on the business. So if you would like to know what I am up to or if you would like to know little stuffs about the business, you can try checking this post every once in a while.

Fresh start with a Fresh lips
June 26, 2012 - My start date and the first day of my training with the new Company.
I guess it won't be hard for me to remember this date because first its my Sister's Birthday and couple of things that will help me remember like unlimited Jollibee and a lip balm. I posted the photo of a Lip balm not because I find it very cute since I promised that I'll be posting cute things here but also to symbolize my fresh start with  the new environment. Fresh new beginnings with a fresh lips : ),
I saw it in Watsons and I find it really cute so I asked my sister to buy it for me as a present since its her b-day , isn't it cool?
          First day wasn't bad at all, I met new friends and I am calling them my alliance ( Paola , Snow, Jan, Dee and Mayet ) I believe that we have a very strong team work and it will help us overcome all of our endeavors and it will lead us to our triumph , trust me I saw this in Hunger Games and this one works.
Most of the people are nice, of course what do you expect? this is just the first day and it is very early to assess but I am hoping that everything will go well here since I don't wanna leave and look for my place somewhere else again. Part of the Wave75 -  our wave, are two of my schoolmates back in Jose Rizal University, Rodel and Joyce and during our group activity, I get a chance to meet Ayen, Ericka, Jhazz and Rodel again since we're on the same group. I included a photo of my temporary name tag and a photo of the robot that I drew earlier even though I still don't know what it is for.

          I would like you to meet " BATHY BOTH " - just like me, he loves taking a bath and he is a music lover by heart if he has one. He is a HQ Voice recorder, mp3 player, Digital camera and he is also wireless internet capable. One last thing Bathy both can transform into a small recording studio  but this feature is still being finalized.

June 27, 2012 - Second day of training still very happy but a bit bothered with the requirements that we need to submit plus the pressure from the assessments that we need to meet 
but everything is pretty fine, we played the game 369 which I think is a very exciting game. I was knocked down because of number 60 I hate that number now.

Foundation day while on Foundations Training
          I posted a photo of a pressed powder from Etude house. Firstly because I love Etude house specially right now that the products that they have are not only for girls they also have products specially for guys. Second thing because it symbolizes the foundation of our learning and the foundation of our alliance while we are on our Foundations Training.

NOTE : the pressed powder is not actually mine, it belongs to my sister but I decided to take a shot because I find it cute.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Charles in a BOX - Call Center Blues

June 14, 2012
Thursday ( dawn )
A Headset Love Story
May 14, 2012

           I never thought that I'll be missing you now that you're gone. I never thought that I'll be losing you at all. 
Now I miss everything about you. I should have valued every minute that I still have you on my head, supporting, caring and loving me. 
I should have valued all of your love those times that I still have them, and now I feel deaf and mute without you. 

           Those times when you were kissing my ears and whispering words that time cannot erase. The sweet sound of your voice that has almost set me free, I was prepared to face my fears just to be with you but your grip has loosen up and the sweet sound was no longer clear and pure. I tried to keep you in place and hold you as tight as I could. I tried my best to make you stay, but it's painful to force you locked on my head the piercing sound hurt my ears and it broke my heart. 
Forcing you to be in place left red marks on my ears. I don't know what to say to make you change your mind and I don't even know what I've said that has made you changed it, my voice were gone when you left and I know that there is nothing else that I can say to make you stay. I miss your voice so much and I want to have you by my side. My walls were burnt down by your passion, you have caried me away with the warmth of your embrace, caught of guard and got too attached. 

           The marks on my ears are almost gone but my heart still have some, I guess they will be having their stay. Someone's gonna have you now so I need to shake you off of my head.

            Keep on unwrapping the boxes guys, who knows what you will find next. Stay safe !

Charles in a BOX ----- Charles in a BOX ----- Charles in a Box -----
Charles in a BOX ----- Charles in a BOX ----- Charles in a Box -----

Charles in a BOX - Passion in TROY

June 13, 2012 - Wednesday afternoon

Credits : http://www.movieposter.com/posters/archive/main/22/MPW-11373

          Starring two of my favorite actors Brad Pitt and Orlando Bloom. I think there is nothing left for me say about the movie that you don't know as of now, this post is not Informative, just wanna share my thoughts about my favorite movie, when I say favorite - it is like if I'll be choosing my Top 3 Favorite movies , Troy will definitely get a spot. Hoping for those readers who hasn't watched the movie yet will be inspired to spend one of their cozy afternoon to watch it and one thing that I can guarantee is that it'll worth your time and better take a pee before watching because you're gonna hold them long once you have pressed the play.

          So let me give you my list on how TROY shows shades of love in different shapes and sizes.

Credits : http://www.oocities.org/gregkraush/images/troy1.jpg
          Lets begin with Achilles - his love for his cousin Patroclus is so pure, we all love our cousins but what you will see on the movie is way beyond what you can imagine. He fell in love with Briseis - Trojan Priestess, their story is so inspiring though not so unique if you have heard of Romeo and Juliet.

Scene to watch out : He is the best warrior and no one can beat him in a fight, but you'll see scenes that will show that he is not just a blood hungry killing machine and you'll see little bit of gentleness.

Credits : http://www.troy-movie.stasi.co.uk/troy-movie-film/troy/eric-bana-hector-troy-movie.jpg

Hector - among the characters Hector is actually my favorite. The movie shows how passionate he is, he loves his nation so much and he is willing to do everything to protect it and the people. He is a loving son, supportive brother and of course a caring husband.

Scene to watch out : Paris agreed to fight one on one against Menelaus to avoid a bloody war. Paris lost his way and almost got killed and of course Hector didn't let it happen.

Credits : https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjvKnLfd5y6L6GB73_xdusp_ZjGCwgdAQ6InzDsvYKOxCo2bzz4Zfcq78a8HcCdLUtWjOvEVElhGtD4JZMxiNe6dbs-acbkXUuwGUAprKnILxQ_SXluqnM_x3FGO_1pbGzPDatQdFK4af0/s640/priam-peter-otoole-troy-movie.jpg

King of Troy Priam - I guess the passion that Hector has for Troy was influenced by his father Priam. In the movie Priam was described as a well loved King.

Scene to watch out : This scene shows how loving he is as a father and what he can do for his son. He went outside his boundaries and went to Achilles' territory to get his son back. ( the body actually :( ..)

Credits : https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg4XQkH7zESssdYc8VKspCmqKwBGcr8nuPTiDoXi4gayoX_wqcHtH0azG3sIEKcY0DcTSAxwq1HtDEO3PXRB6dxy8wQk9yjKpignyNHDo6snKroovIBOMYOdD54POYr2WHQE9DXXfVy3c_g/s1600/troy144.jpg
          Paris - I've almost hated this character if not only because of his reason, he fell in love which I guess it is a valid one right?

Scene to watch out : When he decided to fight one on one against Menelaus. You'll see the courage yet you'll discover his humanity and I do understand him a lot, I am also afraid to die.

          Helen of Troy - Though she became popular as the face that launched a thousand ships. I can't find even a tiny reason to hate her. She just fell in love, what are you people?

Credits : http://images.allmoviephoto.com/2004_Troy/2004_troy_022.jpg
Scene to watch out : When Troy was under attacked by Greeks, Helen tried to escape and surrender herself to the Greeks because that's what the Greeks were saying, they said they want Helen back though the truth is they want something else, BUT the good thing is Hector saw and stopped her.

Credits : http://images.zap2it.com/images/movie-34313/troy-28.jpg

Agamemnon - His love for power was actually the reason for the war and not Helen, so stop blaming it to the young lady with the beautiful face.

Scene to watch out : Nothing in particular, actually I hate seeing him. Geez sorry guys the movie scenes got into my system a little overboard :)

Credits : http://i.telegraph.co.uk/multimedia/archive/01149/arts-graphics-2004_1149281a.jpg
          Andromache - I love her, nothing much to say everything will be shown on the movie so watch out for this scene : Achilles went to Troy to avenge his cousin's death. The duel between Hector and Achilles was a torture in her eyes. You'll cry with her.

Credits : http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lxlvrtfBBW1qbrrny.gif
Patroclus - Achilles' cousin that I am talking about is him. I don't like his character because he is so childish you'll know what I am talking about after watching the Movie.

Scene to watch out : When he got killed , that will serve as a good lesson. Follow your senior's orders.

Credits : http://images.zap2it.com/images/movie-34313/troy-1.jpg
          Briseis - together with Achilles will show you how love conquers all the odds.

Scene to watch out : in most of her scenes, you will see her saving someone from getting killed, enough reason for you to love her.

          So there you go Guys hope you enjoyed reading what my heart contains after watching the movie for the 5th time and again all of the contents are not 100% accurate those are just honest opinions so please don't hate me. Let me know what's on your mind, let me hear from you maybe we could discuss about this. So I've shared something I hope interesting for you. So keep on unwrapping me on the four sides of your monitor here in Charles in a BOX.

Charles in a BOX ----- Charles in a BOX ----- Charles in a BOX -----
Charles in a BOX ----- Charles in a BOX ----- Charles in a BOX -----

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Charles in a BOX - Explanation of the Creation

June 12, 2012 - Tuesday Afternoon

Hi I'm Charles same as the typical guy that you usually see in your neighborhood and this my first time to blog, So help me GOD.

What are the things that you can expect from me ?

  • I'll try to post at least 2-3 topics a month. ( wish I can post more )
  • Most of the things that you'll be seeing here are not 100% original , most of the time I'll just be doing a compilation of things that I see online, but don't kill me yet I'll give proper Credits.
  • I love doing list so you can expect a countdown of random things from music, movies, books, food, places and a lot more.
  • I can also give advice/s but I cannot guarantee a 100% accuracy and satisfaction for a fact that I am not a PRO, I might just give my opinions or suggestions based on what I think is right and appropriate.
  • You can expect a lot of photos. Pictures of Random things but surely an eye candy. ( i'll try to produce like 90% original captions )
  • Videos - I regularly upload Videos in Youtube so you'll be seeing them here. I usually do covers of KPOP songs. 
  • I am not good in Spelling so please bare with me and English is not my native tongue so please forgive me for ( hopefully only ) few errors.
  •  I am very sentimental so most of the post that you'll be seeing here is about my experiences that I would like to share with you and hopefully will inspire you.
  • One thing that I can promise, I am open for comments, questions, violent reactions, suggestions or anything that you have in mind, let me hear from you and I promise to be in touch. You can ask me anything and I'll try to give my feedback asap. I'll try to be as transparent as possible and share all that I can.
  • Wishing that we have at least 50% same interest so that you'll enjoy reading my posts.

          So again my name is Charles and what you will be seeing here is ME, inside the four sides of your monitor and hopefully you'll be enjoying having me on your BOX and seeing what's inside me inside a box. Keep on unwrapping Me and you might discover something interesting here in Charles in a BOX. Stay safe.

Charles in a BOX ----- Charles in a BOX ----- Charles in a BOX ----- 
Charles in a BOX ----- Charles in a BOX ----- Charles in a BOX -----